Ashtecs Changes

News of changes that are taking place with Ash Environmental Technologies Ltd  or Ashtecs.

 We are streamlining the business of Ashtecs to concentrate on the provision of PVC pumped distribution systems and drip dispersal systems. 

 The sales and marketing of the Ashtecs and Geoflow drip dispersal systems (option 5  EPA Wastewater Code of Practice table 10.1 Infiltration areas) will be taken over by Viltra Wastewater Technology who will exclusively market our drip products for the future.  Ashtecs will continue to handle the installations of domestic drip dispersal systems and project manage commercial and industrial drip projects on behalf of Viltra. Tel 048 3083 5533.  Contact Callan Connolly  The Ashtecs website will redirect any enquires to Viltra.

 The design and installation of PVC pumped distribution systems (option 2  EPA Wastewater Code of Practice table 10.1 Infiltration areas) will continue to be provided by Colm Penston of Ashtecs Environmental tel: 087 267 0987 email .

Our present services will continue to be provided and thank you for your ongoing support and custom.


Great News for our Customers

Ashtecs has pioneered the adoption of drip distribution technology by our authorities for over a decade since 2008. Drip distribution systems have now been given the green light by the EPA for use in Ireland.

We are the master distributors for Geoflow dripline which is manufactured specifically for use with wastewater.

The Code of Practice for Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems was published on 24th March 2021 and will come into effect on 7th June 2021.

The new Code will allow the use of two infiltration systems across all soil types:

Drip dispersal: Can be used in all soils including low permeability soils up to a percolation value of 120.

Low-pressure pipe distribution: Can be used in low permeability soils up to a percolation value of 90.

There are other changes in the new CoP which can be found on the EPA website at:

Minister expects Code of Practice shortly

The message below has just been received on the expected release of the revised Code which will include drip distribution systems.

4 February 2021

Mr. Joe Walsh

RE: HPLG-MOBO-01495-2020

Dear Mr. Walsh,

The design and installation of wastewater treatment systems for single houses is presently addressed in the EPA Code of Practice in respect of Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems Serving Single Houses published in 2009. The EPA are enabled to prepare, publish and revise Codes of Practice under Section 76 of the Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1992 (as amended).

The purpose of the Code of Practice is to provide guidance on domestic waste water treatment systems (DWWTSs) (septic tanks etc.), for single houses or equivalent developments with a population equivalent (PE) of less than or equal to 10. The objective is to ensure domestic waste water treatment systems (septic tanks etc.) are constructed and maintained properly, so they do not contaminate groundwater, surface water or endanger people’s health.

The EPA has prepared a revised Code of Practice for domestic waste water treatment systems (population equivalent ≤ 10) to replace the 2009 Code of Practice. The revised Code of Practice has been updated to reflect changes to standards, to incorporate clarifications issued since 2009 and to adopt new treatment options for low permeability sites and revised desludging recommendations.

The revised Code of Practice was reviewed by the Built Environment Advisory Unit, the Water Advisory Unit and the National and Regional Planning Policy sections of this Department and their observations were issued to the EPA in September 2020.

The Department understands that the EPA are currently finalising the revised Code of Practice for publication shortly.

I hope the above is of assistance.

Yours sincerely,

Niamh Redmond

Private Secretary

Drip included in Revised Draft EPA Wastewater Code of Practice 2018

The EPA has included Drip Distribution and LPP systems in its new published draft updates to the wastewater Code of Practice 2009. Following the successful study by Trinity College on behalf of the EPA into Drip and LPP dispersal technologies, designed and supplied by Ashtecs, the new CoP containing these dispersal options has finally been published in December 2018 for public comments.

Successful EPA-Trinity Evaluation of Ashtecs Drip & LPP Systems

EPA-funded research project by Trinity College Dublin has recommended introducing Drip Distribution and LPP Distribution into EPA Code of Practice (2009), prompting the current revision of the COP.

Ashtecs designed and supplied the Drip Distribution and LPP systems for the research into wastewater disposal solutions for sites with low permeability soils throughout Ireland.